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All About Monarda Cranberry Lace

All About Monarda Cranberry Lace

Looking to add a splash of color to your garden?

When it comes to gorgeous and unique perennials, none beats Monarda Cranberry Lace! Known for having crown shaped pink-purple flowers, this plant is a showstopper. Whether grown in a container or used to line borders, Monarda Cranberry Lace is a bright, cheerful, and one-of-a-kind addition to the garden.

DutchGrown is delighted to share our love of it with readers.

Today, we invite you to learn all about Monarda Cranberry Lace. Let’s see why everyone (including the bees) is buzzing about this stunning variety!

All You Need To Know About Monarda Flowers

Monarda Cranberry Lace: What to Expect


Monarda goes by many different names. It is frequently referred to as “Beebalm,” “Bergamot,” and “Oswego Tea."
However, no matter what you call it, one thing is certain: it’s beautiful.
As mentioned, flowers range from perky pink to lavender. But what is more interesting than the color is the shape. Each petal is frilly. Imagine a ballet dancer’s tutu…that’s precisely what these densely clumped blooms look like. The unusual form gives the Monarda Cranberry Lace a whimsical – almost fairylike – appearance. Beneath the flowers are dark green leaves. Perfect for bringing joy to the garden.


In terms of height, Monarda will be 10 to 12 inches tall. Generally, it takes 2 to 5 years to reach maximum size. Plants should be spaced 18 to 24 inches apart for best results.

Care Level

Worried about accidently killing this gorgeous plant? Don’t be.
Monarda Cranberry Lace is remarkably easy to care for. Although it looks finicky and exotic, the truth is it doesn’t need much. Aim for moist soil. Rich organic matter is key for happy plants. Then, provide the basics: sunshine and regular watering.

For more information, read our full Growing Guide: How to Grow Monarda.

Monarda Bare Roots

Why Gardeners Love Monarda Cranberry Lace

So, why do people get excited about Monarda Cranberry Lace? Plenty of reasons. In addition to the odd shape and hot pink petals, gardeners also choose to grow it for the following five reasons.

Attracts Bees, Butterflies, and Hummingbirds

First, Monarda is famous for attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. And hummingbirds as well. Monarda Cranberry lace is rich in sweet nectar. Therefore, if you want to see more wildlife in your garden, this is a must-have.

Lengthy Blooms

Secondly, flowers last a long time. Unlike other showy plants (we’re looking at you, peony!) the Monarda Cranberry Lace does not drop petals quickly. In fact, blooms continue throughout midsummer to early fall.

Minty Aroma

There’s nothing like the smell of mint. Crush a leaf and enjoy breathing in the fresh aroma.

Successfully Grows in Full Sun/Partial Shade

Now, one of the greatest benefits of growing Monarda Cranberry Lace is the versatility. Let’s face it – finding sunny spots can be difficult. Especially if you are gardening on a balcony. Luckily, this plant won’t shrivel in partial shade or burn in full sun.

Deer Resistant

Finally, a pretty plant that won’t get gobbled up by animals.
Cottage gardeners love Monarda Cranberry Lace. In the countryside where deer and other critters pass by, it can be disheartening to see nibbled plants. Fortunately, this one is deer resistant.

Ready to Get Growing?

In summary, Monarda Cranberry Lace is not to be missed. With neon pink-purple colors and an unusual crown shape, it is appreciated by bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and people too!

Order Your Monarda Bare Roots Now
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Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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