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Bulb Sizes

Bulb Sizes

Bulb Sizes

How To Choose Spring Flower Bulbs: Size Matters!

If you take a look at a flower bulb size chart, you’ll see that fall-planted flower
bulbs come in all shapes and sizes. Whatever the variety, there’s one golden rule
you can rely on: the bigger the bulb, the better the bloom. The actual size of the
bulb will depend on the type but there are industry quality standards you can look
out for to be sure you are getting large, top-quality bulbs.

Flower Bulb Sizes: Tulips

Choosing large bulbs is particularly important for a successful display of tulips. For
mass plantings in the landscape, tulip bulbs should be at least 10 cm in
circumference while 12 cm “top size” bulbs will give even more spectacular results,
often producing blooms as big as a tennis ball. You’ll sometimes see smaller bulbs
on sale at bargain prices but these bulbs will produce much smaller blooms.

Hyacinth Bulb Size

The scent and color of stately hyacinths are a sure sign of spring. Hyacinths for
planting in the garden whether in beds, borders or in pots should be at least 14 cm
in circumference. Hyacinths that have been grown especially for planting indoors,
also known as forced hyacinths, can be up to 16 cm around. After they have
bloomed indoors, you can replant them in fall in the garden, where they’ll bloom
again next spring

How Big Are Allium Bulbs?

The allium family is vast with many distinct varieties ranging from the tall and
stately to the small and delicate. Naturally, allium bulb sizes are equally diverse but
as a general rule, smaller varieties will have small bulbs while tall varieties grow
from large bulbs. The bulbs of the magnificent Globemaster allium should have a
circumference of 18-20cm and will produce spectacularly large blooms in late spring and early summer.

Now all you have to do is decide which bulbs to plant! For more inspiration, browse
our fabulous collections of large size tulips, hyacinths, and alliums.

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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