Growing Guides: How to Grow Puschkinia Bulbs

Growing Puschkinia Bulbs

Puschkinia is more commonly known as Striped Squill and can be an unfamiliar bulb plant for many gardeners. However its pretty blue and white flowers can be a welcome addition to any Spring garden. Puschkinia is native to Turkey and the Caucasus region and is in the Asparagus family. Flowers stay low to the ground, reaching a height of 6 inches. We recommend trying out Puschkinia in rock gardens and as a splash of pretty color in between shrubs.

Planting puschkinia bulbs:

  1. In the Fall, choose a spot that gets quite a lot of light and has good soil drainage.

  2. Planting striped squill bulbs is fairly simple. Bulbs resemble small onions and you will be able to easily tell that the bulb should be planted with the roots down and the tip pointing up so that they shoots can reach the surface of the soil.

  3. Usually the rule of thumb when planting bulbs is that bulbs need at least 2 times their height of soil above them. Dig a 2 to 3 inch deep hole, place the bulb into it and cover with soil. Leave about 6 inches of space between each bulb.

  4. After planting, water well so that the soil above the bulbs settles.

  5. Puschkinia bulbs flower in the Spring. After the flowers die down, the plant can enjoy a warmer rest period. You don't have to water too much during this rest period. At this point, you can choose to tidy up the plant and remove the old leaves.

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