The DutchGrown Blog

How to Grow and Care for Incarvillea (Hardy Gloxinia)
Incarvillea, also known as Hardy Gloxinia or Garden Gloxinia, is a beautiful flowering perennial with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, red, or white. It thrives in well-draining soil and...
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How to Plant and Care for Convallaria (Lily of the Valley)
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria) is a hardy perennial known for its delicate, fragrant white bell-shaped flowers and lush green foliage. It thrives in shady areas and is perfect for...
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How To Grow and Care for Oxalis
Oxalis, also known as Wood Sorrel or Shamrock, is a beautiful plant with delicate, clover-like leaves and vibrant flowers. It thrives both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile choice...
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All About Begonias!
Filling your garden with begonias is like inviting a troupe of flamboyant dancers to perform all summer long. These shade-loving beauties, with their lush, deep green leaves and blooms that...
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Dividing Dahlia Tubers
Dahlias are true sun lovers, but they are very sensitive to frost. That’s why gardeners in the colder climates of the US dig up the Dahlia tubers and store them...
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How To Grow Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
Lungwort (Pulmonaria) is a perennial plant favored in gardens for its captivating blooms and exceptional foliage. Named after the mottled leaves, it is a charming addition to shade gardens and...
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25 Popular Types Of Flowers For Your Garden
Flowers are a great addition to any garden, patio, or balcony. Whether you choose beautiful red Tulips, colorful Lupins or other flowers, different types of flowering plants can help you...
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20 Perennial Flowers That Bloom From Spring To Fall
A garden that blooms from spring to late fall is every gardener's dream. By planting long-lasting perennials that bloom at different times of the year, you can enjoy a beautiful...
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The Most Asked Questions About Gladiolus Answered
Gladiolus, or Sword Lily, is a garden favorite with its tall flower spikes and colorful blooms. Not only do these eye-catching flowers add a splash of color outdoors, but they...
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When Is The Tulip Season?
With over 3,000 registered varieties and 150 different species, it’s safe to say that Tulips are one of the most iconic and beloved flowers in the world. Coming in various...
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How And When To Plant Begonia Tubers?
Begonia plants are loved for their showy flowers, shapes, and sizes. They are often used as bedding plants or in pots and hanging baskets. They brighten up partial shade gardens,...
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Dahlia Season: When Do They Bloom?
A Dahlia plant is a beautiful summer flower renowned for its vibrant blooms in various colors, shapes, and sizes. From pink flowers to large beige-colored flowers, they add elegance to...
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Gardening challenges?
- All Flower Bulbs
- All Spring Planted Bulbs
- Alliums
- Alocasia
- Amarine
- Amaryllis
- Amaryllis Belladonna
- Anemones
- Arisaema
- Artichoke Thistle
- Astilbe
- Astrantia
- Baby's Breath
- Bearded Iris
- Begonias
- Bleeding Hearts
- Calla Lilies
- Camassia
- Cardoon
- Chionodoxa
- Columbine
- Coneflower
- Convallaria
- Crocus
- Daffodils
- Dahlias
- Day Lily
- Delphiniums
- Dicentra
- Dichelostemma
- Echinacea
- Elephant Ears
- Eranthis
- Eremurus
- Eucomis
- Foxtail Lilies
- Fritillaria
- Galanthus
- Geranium
- Geum
- Giant Snowflake
- Gladiolus
- Glory of the Snow
- Gloxinia
- Grape Hyacinths
- Gypsophila
- Hellebores
- Hostas
- Hyacinthoides
- Hyacinths
- Incarvillea
- Irises
- Italian Anemones
- Italian Ranunculus
- Ixia
- Larkspurs
- Leucojum
- Lilies
- Lily of the Valley
- Masterwort
- Mixture
- Monarda
- Muscari
- Nerine
- Oriental Poppy
- Ornithogalum
- Oxalis
- Papaver
- Paperwhites
- peonies
- Phlox
- Pulmonaria
- Puschkinia
- Ranunculus
- Red Hot Poker
- Saffron Crocus
- Scilla
- Sedum
- Shamrock
- Siberian Iris
- Siberian Squill
- Snowdrops
- Spanish Bluebells
- Striped Squill
- Swamp Milkweed
- Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)
- Tuberoses
- Tulips
- Winter Aconite
- Zantedeschia