When Is The Dahlia Blooming Season?
A Dahlia plant is a beautiful summer flower renowned for its vibrant blooms in various colors, shapes, and sizes. From pink flowers to large beige-colored flowers, they add elegance to any garden setting. Dahlias are also ideal as cut flowers. Add, for example, a few Dahlias for a beautiful bridal bouquet. To enjoy Dahlia flowers at their peak, it’s good to understand the flowering season and the best time for planting Dahlias. In this article, we’ll dive into the details.
Dahlia Blooming Season: When Does It Start?
Dahlias bloom throughout the summer until the first night frost in fall. This long flowering period makes these sun-lovers a favorite flower for gardeners who want consistent beauty throughout the warm months. The flowering season ends with the first frost, as Dahlias are not frost-tolerant.
The exact Dahlia flowering time can vary, depending on, for example, the climate you live in, the circumstances, and the specific variety of the Dahlia. Gardeners in warmer areas may see earlier blooms, while cooler climates can experience a slightly delayed start. By carefully timing the planting of Dahlia tubers, it's possible to enjoy a spectacular flowering period that matches the summer months.
How Long Do Dahlias Take To Flower?
It generally takes about 90 to 100 days for a Dahlia to start flowering after you plant the tuber in the ground, usually around mid-May. However, this flowering time will vary depending on the species, the amount of light, the temperature, the soil quality, and other circumstances.
Do Dahlias Come Back Every Year?
Dahlias can return yearly, but only with your help if you live in a colder climate. Dahlia flowers are very sensitive to frost and not winter-hardy in freezing conditions. The flowers, foliage, and stems will turn quickly into a brown, slimy pile of mush. So in two to a few weeks after the first heavy frost has arrived, it’s time to dig up the best-performing tubers and store the tubers indoors during the winter. You can find the exact steps in our article on how to store Dahlia tubers over winter.
How To Extend The Dahlia Season
Of course, you want to enjoy the beautiful colours of your Dahlias for as long as possible. You can use a few techniques to extend the Dahlia flowering season.
Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly. Removing each spent flower encourages the plant to produce more blooms.
Pruning: Pinching Dahlias (the top of young plants) when they reach about 12–18 inches (30-46 cm) will encourage a bushier plant.
Fertilise: Dahlias require a lot of nutrients. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser or a slow-release granular fertiliser to provide essential nutrients throughout the growing season. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.
Mulch: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the plants to keep the ground moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Use pine straw, straw, or wood chips.
Support the plants: Dahlias can become top-heavy and may require support. Flower farmers install stakes or cages around the plants when they are young to help them grow upright and prevent stem breakage. You can do the same in your own garden.
Monitor for pests: Keep an eye on your plants and take action if necessary to control pests. Prevent the plants from becoming prey for pests such as aphids, slugs, or spider mites.
When Is The Best Dahlia Planting Time?
The best time to plant Dahlias is in the spring, directly after the last winter frost has disappeared. Planting at this time allows the tubers to sprout before the warmer summer months, giving them the best chance of a successful flowering season. Growing Dahlias in your garden is easy with the following steps:
Once the winter frost has disappeared, you can start digging holes about 4 inches (10 cm) deep and 15 inches (39 cm) apart in well-drained soil to prevent tuber rot.
Dahlias prefer a sunny location, so try to find a spot that receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day, at least six hours.
Plant the Dahlia tuber facing upwards, with the tip of the tuber peering out of the soil.
Water generously after covering the tuber with soil, and then add a fertilizer every few weeks to help the Dahlias grow during the summer months.
Growing Dahlias In Pots Or Containers
Some people want to bring the Dahlia flower season forward by planting the tubers in pots or containers. Do you want to plant Dahlias in pots or containers? The planting process is very similar to the steps above. Wait until the last signs of frost have disappeared. Add some pebbles to the bottom to help with drainage. Add compost and tubers to the pots or containers, and follow the steps mentioned above to grow Dahlias.
Read more: How to Grow Dahlias
Discover Dahlia Tubers At DutchGrown
Are you ready to transform your garden with colorful Dahlias? At DutchGrown, you will find a wide collection of different Dahlia varities. Whether you choose the stunning pink ball Dahlia Sweet Fabienne with a bright pink shade, the Cafe au Lait Dahlia with creamy-white blossoms or the Dahlia Wizard of Lightning with a beautiful soft pink color. Discover our top-sized Dahlia tubers now and enjoy an elegant garden during summer. We ship from the Netherlands to all over the US.