
Gladiolus flowers have been adored by many generations of gardeners and are a firm favorite. With a variety of gorgeous colors and showy blooms, our gladiolus bulbs will grow to an impressive height of 2-3ft. tall. Hybrid Gladiolus can even reach 3-5ft. tall! Gladiolus are summer-blooming bulbs that are easy to grow. Your garden or landscape will have an abundance of vibrant and elegant gladiolus blooms!

Showing 1 - 23 in 23 items

  1. Gladiolus Nanus Impressive

    Gladiolus Nanus Impressive

    On Sale from $8.20 $4.90

  2. Gladiolus Rusty Chestnut

    Gladiolus Rusty Chestnut

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  3. Gladiolus Black Star

    Gladiolus Black Star

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  4. Gladiolus Zizanie

    Gladiolus Zizanie

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  5. Gladiolus Chocolate

    Gladiolus Chocolate

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  6. Gladiolus Violet Heart

    Gladiolus Violet Heart

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  7. Gladiolus Velvet Eyes

    Gladiolus Velvet Eyes

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  8. Gladiolus Monte Gordo

    Gladiolus Monte Gordo

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  9. Gladiolus Fiorentina

    Gladiolus Fiorentina

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  10. Gladiolus Teds Trump

    Gladiolus Teds Trump

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  11. Gladiolus My Love

    Gladiolus My Love

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  12. Gladiolus Soft Innocence

    Gladiolus Soft Innocence

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  13. Gladiolus Mango Muse

    Gladiolus Mango Muse

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  14. Gladiolus Verax

    Gladiolus Verax

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  15. Gladiolus Moonlight Shadow

    Gladiolus Moonlight Shadow

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  16. Gladiolus Far West

    Gladiolus Far West

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  17. Gladiolus Cappucino

    Gladiolus Cappucino

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  18. Gladiolus Passos

    Gladiolus Passos

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  19. Gladiolus Purple Art

    Gladiolus Purple Art

    On Sale from $7.90 $4.70

  20. Gladiolus Oracle

    Gladiolus Oracle

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  21. Gladiolus Cookie

    Gladiolus Cookie

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  22. Gladiolus Coral Crush

    Gladiolus Coral Crush

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10

  23. Gladiolus Green Star

    Gladiolus Green Star

    On Sale from $6.90 $4.10


Gladiolus, often referred to as gladioli or 'sword lilies' due to their long, pointed leaves, are a genus of perennial cormous flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae). They are cherished for their striking, showy flowers and are a classic staple in summer gardens and floral arrangements. Characteristics of Gladiolus Appearance: Gladiolus plants feature tall, upright flower spikes known as inflorescences, adorned with funnel-shaped flowers that open sequentially from the bottom to the top. The leaves are sword-shaped, adding to the plant's linear, vertical appeal. Flowers: The flowers come in a spectacular array of colors, including pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, white, and even green, with many varieties featuring multiple colors or delicate patterns. Size: Depending on the variety, they can range from 2 to 6 feet in height. Their tall stature makes them an excellent choice for adding height and drama to garden beds and borders. Growing Conditions: Gladioli thrive in well-drained soil with plenty of sunshine. They are generally planted as corms in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed. Bloom Time: These plants typically flower in the mid to late summer. Staggered planting of the corms every couple of weeks in spring can ensure a continuous bloom throughout the summer. Uses: Gladiolus are popular in cut flower arrangements due to their long vase life and striking appearance. In the garden, they are often used in the back of borders or in rows in a cutting garden. Care: While gladioli are relatively easy to grow, they do require some basic care. Regular watering, especially when the flower spikes are forming and during flowering, is important. Staking the tall flower spikes can prevent them from bending or breaking. Winter Care: In colder climates (zones 7 and below), the corms should be dug up before the first frost, dried, and stored in a cool, dry place over winter. Pests and Diseases: They can be susceptible to thrips and fungal diseases like botrytis, so good cultural practices are important. Popular Varieties 'Passos': Known for its vibrant purple flowers. 'Green Star': Offers unique greenish-yellow blooms. In conclusion, gladioli are beloved for their spectacular, towering blooms and are a favorite among gardeners and florists alike. Whether used in gardens for vertical interest or in bouquets for their elegant flowers, gladioli bring a touch of classic beauty wherever they are grown.
Gladiolus Passos

Gladiolus Passos

On Sale from $6.90 $4.10