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The Most Asked Questions About Gladiolus Answered

The Most Asked Questions About Gladiolus Answered

The Most Asked Questions About Gladiolus Answered

Gladiolus, or Sword Lily, is a garden favorite with its tall flower spikes and colorful blooms. Not only do these eye-catching flowers add a splash of color outdoors, but they are also a perfect choice for flower arrangements. However, gardeners may have questions about growing and caring for Gladiolas. In this article, we answer the most frequently asked questions about Gladiolus to help you enjoy these beautiful flowers to the fullest.

Are Gladiolus Perennials?

Yes, Gladiolus are perennials, but their winter hardiness depends on your location. The Gladiolus bulbs (or actually corms) are winter hardy in USDA zones 7 to 10. Do you live in a colder climate? We suggest digging the bulbs up in the fall and bringing them indoors to protect them from freezing temperatures. Cut off the stems and leave the foliage behind.

Are Gladiolus Toxic To Cats?

Yes, Gladiolus are toxic to cats. The Gladiolus corms are the most dangerous part, because they contain the highest concentration of toxins. If you have curious cats, it’s best to plant Gladiolus in areas they cannot access.

Do Deer Eat Gladiolus?

In general, deer don't like Gladiolus very much. However, if a deer is hungry enough, it may nibble on the plant (the animal will eat just about anything).

When Do Gladiolus Bloom?

Gladiolus blooms during summer, but the exact timing depends on your planted variety and the growing conditions. Gladiolus Soft Innocence, for example, typically blooms in early to late summer, while Gladiolus Circus Color blooms in mid to late summer. Expect to see your flowers to bloom in about 90 days from when the foliage begins to emerge above ground.

How Long Do Gladiolus Bloom?

Each Gladiolus flower will give you full-color blooms for about two weeks. The blossoms open up one by one, starting at the bottom of the flower stalks and working their way up to the top of the stem. To enjoy their blooming throughout the whole summer, stagger your planting over time.

Do Gladiolus Spread?

Gladiolus does not spread, but it naturalizes. This means that the plant produces more storage organs (cormels) under the surface of the soil. Give the Gladiolus plant enough space to multiply. At the end of the flowering season, you can dig up the corms and divide the new ones to increase the number of blooms.

Do Gladiolus Like Sun Or Shade?

The Gladiolus is a summer flowering plant, so it likes the sun. Gladiolus grows in full sun and needs at least 6–8 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow and bloom at its best.

When To Plant Gladiolus Bulbs?

Because Gladiolus blooms during the summer months, you need to plant the bulbs throughout the season from spring to early summer. Make sure the danger of frost has passed.

How To Plant Gladiolus Bulbs?

Growing Gladiolus bulbs is easy. Just follow the steps below to plant them successfully.


  1. Start with loose, rich, well-drained soil and a layer of compost, in a spot that receives full sun.

  2. Plant the Gladiolus bulbs about 6 inches (10 cm) deep and 3 to 5 inches (15 cm) apart, pointy side up.

  3. Water regularly, providing the equivalent of 1 inch (2.5 cm) of rain per week in dry weather.

  4. Don't cut off the foliage after the Gladiolus has finished flowering. Leave it until it's completely wilted and yellowed, then remove.


  1. Start with large, deep containers filled with multipurpose compost.

  2. Place the Gladiolus bulbs on top, about 3 inches (7.5 cm) apart, and cover with more compost.

  3. Add a layer of gravel to finish off and keep weeds away.

  4. Stagger your planting at monthly intervals to enjoy a succession of blooms throughout the fall.

  5. After blooming, store the bulbs in their containers in a sheltered area over the winter so they will bloom again next season.

Read more: How to Grow Gladiolus

How Deep To Plant Gladiolus Bulbs?

Gladiolus bulbs should be planted about 6 inches (10 cm) deep in the garden or in containers.

Can I Leave Gladiolus Bulbs In The Ground?

You can leave Gladiolus bulbs in the ground if you live in USDA zones 7 to 10. In colder zones, you must dig up the bulbs in colder zones before the first frost. But, wait until the foliage is completely withered and yellow.

How To Store Gladiolus Bulbs?

Wait for the foliage to die back and cut it off. Dig up the bulbs, remove excess soil, and let them dry in a cool, airy place. A garage or basement is a good place.

Reading tip: Tips for Growing and Using Gladiolus

Shop Gladiolus Bulbs At DutchGrown now

Are you looking forward to planting your own Gladiolus bulbs? At DutchGrown, you will find a wide collection of high-quality Gladiolus bulbs that are perfect for summer cutting gardens or floral arrangements. From vibrant yellow flowers to mysterious dark purple. Discover our Gladiolus collection now and start planting. Or shop for our other flowers. We ship from Holland to all over the US.

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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