Aquilegia, also known as Columbine or Grannys Bonnet, are cottage garden favorites! They are easy to grow perennials and are nectar-rich, making them attractive to bumblebees. It blooms in a wide variety of colors that emerge from it's attractive deep green foliage and make excellent cut flowers for summer bouquet arrangements.
How to Plant
- Find a sunny spot with well-draining soil.
- Dig holes deep and wide enough for the bare roots and plant them leaving the bases of the stems above the ground.
- Once planted, water well to settle the soil.
After a good initial watering, the plants should not need watering. Water after cutting back after flowering to encourage new leaves.
If grown in the garden, your plants wont need feeding but if the soil is poor, a general fertilizer can be used.
Deadhead after flowering to tidy up the plants.
Quick Facts
Thrives in rich, well-draining soil
Blooms in late spring-early summer
Plant in a sunny spot or partial shade
Attracts bumblebees and other pollinators