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Top 10 Naturalizing Flower Bulbs For Easy Gardening

Top 10 Naturalizing Flower Bulbs For Easy Gardening

“Which bulbs return every year?” This has been one of the most frequently asked questions by mail in the last couple of weeks. Naturalizing bulbs are bulbs that return every year. Once you have planted them, you don’t have to do anything and you can enjoy the flowers year after year. And the best part is every year they return, they get more and more flowers due to the new small bulbs that they produce. Gardening is easy with naturalizing bulbs!

Daffodil Marieke

Naturalizing bulbs are a real must-have for gardens and for public landscapes. They require little to no care at all. The best place to plant these naturalizing bulbs is in a place where they are not disturbed by spading or mowing during and after blooming. After they have flowered, the energy will be put in the bulb so they can emerge again next year. These bulbs are very attractive for bees and other insects, providing lots of nectar. And these returning bulbs are perfect for planting under trees and shrubs.

Our top 10 naturalizing bulbs for easy gardening
It might look a little daunting to select all the best naturalizing bulbs for your garden. There are so many bulbs to choose from so we made a top 10 list with our best selection of naturalizing bulbs.

1. Snowdrops: Galanthus Nivalis
2. Crocus: All crocus varieties
3. Mini daffodils: Narcisus Golden Echo, Tete a Tete, Jetfire, Quail and Thalia
4. Blue or white grape hyacinths: Muscari Armeniacum, Muscari White Magic and Muscari Latifolium
5. Botanical tulips: Tulip Showwinner and Tulip Stresa
6. Darwin Hybrid Tulips: Golden and Red Parade Tulips, Pink Darwin Hybrid Tulips, Salmon Darwin Hybrid Tulips, Red Impression, Apeldoorn’s Elite, Niigata and Ollioules
7. Dwarf iris: Iris Reticulata (dark blue) and Iris Reticulata Cantab (light blue)
8. Crown imperial: Fritilaria Imp. Rubra (red) and Fritillaria Imp. Lutea (yellow)
9. Checkered fritillary: Fritillaria Meleagris and Fritillaria Michailovskyi
10. Short ornamental onions: Allium Roseum, Ostrowskianum, Azureum and Cowanii

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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