The DutchGrown Blog

Growing Bulbs Indoors For Christmas
Enjoy the flamboyant blooms of amaryllis and the heady fragrance of Narcissus Paperwhite and hyacinth by growing bulbs indoors for the holidays. These fall- planted flower bulbs are easy to grow and...
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Forgot To Plant Flower Bulbs?
If you forgot about planting your bulbs in fall, all is not lost. You can still coax them into blooming next spring. As long as the bulbs are still healthy, tulips,...
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Do Tulips Multiply?
Tulips are one of the most popular fall-planted flower bulbs; they bring gem-likecolor to the spring garden and also look fabulous as part of a spring bouquet. Tulips are easy...
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Can You Plant Flower Bulbs In The Spring?
Flower bulbs are one of the easiest plants to grow - just pop them in the ground before the first frost in fall and wait for gorgeous blooms in spring. But...
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Best Time To Plant Flower Bulbs
Flower bulbs in bloom are the highlight of the gardening year for many of us. Snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, and iris are all very easy to grow; the most important thing...
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The Best Place To Buy Tulip Bulbs
Illuminating your beds, borders, and pots with brilliant colors and elegant shapes,tulips look fabulous whether planted on their own or combined with other fall planted flower bulbs...
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Are Hyacinths Annuals Or Perennials?
DutchGrown hyacinths are one of the most popular fall-planted flower bulbs andhave been developed over centuries from wild plants that grow high in themountainous regions of Turkey, where summers are...
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Where To Plant Irisis?
Elegant irises come in many different varieties and are amongst the earliest and the latest of fall-planted flower bulbs to bloom. Named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, their orchid-like blooms...
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Where Can I Buy Saffron?
Unlike most other crocuses, saffron crocuses bloom in the fall, when their amethystpetals and bright red stigmas brighten the garden just as other blooms start tofade. Even better, you can...
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When To Plant Anemone Bulbs?
Anemones or windflowers are real gems for the spring garden. Whether planted ontheir own or combined with other spring-flowering bulbs, their delicate petals bringravishing color to beds, borders, and pots...
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When Do Tulips Bloom?
Thanks to their glowing colors and very varied shapes, tulips are amongst the best-loved fall-planted flower bulbs. With a little planning, you can enjoy tulips fromMarch through May: read on...
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What Types of Daffodils Are There?
It’s easy to bring a splash of bright color to your spring garden by plantingdaffodils, everyone’s favorite spring flower bulbs. There are literally hundreds ofdaffodil varieties and if you’re new...
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Gardening challenges?
- All Flower Bulbs
- All Spring Planted Bulbs
- Alliums
- Alocasia
- Amarine
- Amaryllis
- Amaryllis Belladonna
- Anemones
- Arisaema
- Artichoke Thistle
- Astilbe
- Astrantia
- Baby's Breath
- Bearded Iris
- Begonias
- Bleeding Hearts
- Calla Lilies
- Camassia
- Cardoon
- Chionodoxa
- Columbine
- Coneflower
- Convallaria
- Crocus
- Daffodils
- Dahlias
- Day Lily
- Delphiniums
- Dicentra
- Dichelostemma
- Echinacea
- Elephant Ears
- Eranthis
- Eremurus
- Eucomis
- Foxtail Lilies
- Fritillaria
- Galanthus
- Geranium
- Geum
- Giant Snowflake
- Gladiolus
- Glory of the Snow
- Gloxinia
- Grape Hyacinths
- Gypsophila
- Hellebores
- Hostas
- Hyacinthoides
- Hyacinths
- Incarvillea
- Irises
- Italian Anemones
- Italian Ranunculus
- Ixia
- Larkspurs
- Leucojum
- Lilies
- Lily of the Valley
- Masterwort
- Mixture
- Monarda
- Muscari
- Nerine
- Oriental Poppy
- Ornithogalum
- Oxalis
- Papaver
- Paperwhites
- peonies
- Phlox
- Pulmonaria
- Puschkinia
- Ranunculus
- Red Hot Poker
- Saffron Crocus
- Scilla
- Sedum
- Shamrock
- Siberian Iris
- Siberian Squill
- Snowdrops
- Spanish Bluebells
- Striped Squill
- Swamp Milkweed
- Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)
- Tuberoses
- Tulips
- Winter Aconite
- Zantedeschia