How To Plant Paperwhite Bulbs?
Fragrant Paperwhite Bulbs Are Quick And Easy To Grow Indoors And Outside
Thanks to their elegant white blooms and sweet fragrance, Paperwhites are
probably the most popular narcissi to grow indoors. They’re quick and easy to grow
whether in soil or gravel: plant them in pots to make a lovely holiday centerpiece.
After they’ve bloomed indoors, you can replant them in the garden where they will
bloom again the following spring.
How To Plant Paperwhite Bulbs Indoors
Paperwhites do not require a period of chilling before planting. They love the sun so
place your pot or container in a bright, warm spot; turn the pots every day so that
they grow straight. As well as planting the bulbs in soil, you can also pack them
tightly into vases filled with gravel and water. You can add a few twiggy branches
to provide a little more support for the stems. Plant a new batch every two or three
weeks for a succession of blooms in winter and spring.
How To Plant Paperwhite Bulbs In Soil
Choose a shallow pot or bowl. Add a couple of inches of soil or bulb compost. Plant the Paperwhite bulbs closely packed together with the pointed ends upwards and add more soil so that the tips are just showing. Water sparingly so that the soil is just moist, place the pot in a sunny spot and the Paperwhites will bloom in around 6 weeks.
How To Plant Paperwhite Bulbs Outdoors
Gardeners in warmer areas have the advantage of being able to grow Paperwhite
bulbs outdoors. In zones 8 - 10, you can plant them at any time of the winter and
be sure of getting blooms in the spring. Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil
and plant in large groups for maximum impact.
Now that you’ve learned how to grow Paperwhite bulbs, why not try planting some
of our other flower bulbs that are perfect for growing indoors?